Encrypted & Secure Remote Communication

Group Meetings, Video Chat, Voice Chat, Text Chat, Voice Message, DM, File Share, & Emoji With Your Friends, Co-Workers, or Family. For Free!

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App Features

Remoting.org is a platform for secure, decentralized remote communication.

Secure Messaging

Communicate with a single person, group, or join a space all in a secure privacy-first environment


Create your own public or private space and invite your friends to chat

Multimedia Features

Create Group Meetings, Send Files, Voice Chat, Video Chat, Screen Share, Voice Message, Text, Emoji, & Link Share

Enhanced Encryption

Encrypt your private messages, group chats, or rooms for added privacy and security

Runs On Everything

Works on every major device and even directly over the web (no install needed)


Manage your identify and profile so your friends know who you are

No Censorship Foundation.

Remoting.org is built with freedom of speech and security in mind.

  • Freedom Of Speech.
  • Freedom To Share.
  • Freedom To Love.
  • Freedom Period.

We believe in the right to speak freely and openly without censorship at Remoting.org

Communication Is A Right

We believe that free, open, and secure communication to and from anywhere in the world (and hopefully beyond!) is a fundimental human right. That is why remoting.org is available World-Wide.

*Please follow your local laws and regulations when using Remoting.org

You are in control

When using Remoting.org Your data is as private and secure as you want it to be. You have full control over how your data is shared or not shared.

  • Encrypt Rooms & Direct Messages.
  • Create Public or Private Spaces & Rooms.
  • Share Files (Up To 100mb) with Unlimited Storage.
  • Hold Group Audio / Video Chat Meetings.
  • Audio / Video Call With Friends.
  • Facilutate Communications for Business, Family, & Friends.
  • Works In Low Bandwidth / High Latency Network Conditions.
  • Offline Message Queuing.
  • Add Widgets, Bridges, & Bots To Your Channels.
  • Enhance Your Room With Integrations Such As Wikipedia.
  • Customize Remoting.org To Your Liking.
  • Managed Device Access To Your Account.

Free To Use As In 100% Free

We leverage modern technology to reduce server costs and open source technology to reduce programming expenses to bring you a free remote communication platform that is secure and private.

Remoting.org is free to use for everyone including corporations, businesses, family, & friends.

  • 100% Free.
  • 100% Open-Source.
  • 100% Private Messaging.
  • 100% Awesome.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of common frequently asked questions. See our F.A.Q. for further help.

Chat Without Installing Anything

Remoting.org is built as a web-first application and works in your favorite browser!

Edge Chrome Safari Firefox Opera

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